Sunday, August 26, 2012

Rainy Day Candle Globe

I've seen these everywhere on Pinterest and I couldn't help but try it out. Here is what you'll need:

Reinforcement labels
Small circular labels
A glass "globe" (I used a jam jar)
Spray paint
*Soapy water
*A Brillo pad or fine grit sandpaper
(*-you will only need these if you used a jar like I did for removing the label and adhesive)

First, make sure the "globe" is clean. If you are using a jar, soak it in hot soapy water. The label should slide off easily. Use the Brillo to remove any excess adhesive.


 Next dry the globe and stick on your labels in a random pattern alternating the reinforcement labels with the solid circular ones.

In short strokes, paint the entire globe upside down. If you decide to do this inside make sure you are in a well ventilated room and cover anything you don't want to spray paint.

 Allow paint to dry and the pull off the labels. Drop in a tea light and admire your creation!